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Banging Radiator

Hi DK,

Have you checked if the handvalve is completely open? The inside of the valve will sometimes break/fall apart, causing the condensate to pool temporarily in the radiator to cause the hammer. When you flushed it out, did you check the operation of the valve?

Best regards, Pat


  • DK_5
    DK_5 Member Posts: 18
    Banging Radiator

    I am at my wits end!! My kitchen radiator (2tube-7sections, one pipe system) bangs about mid cycle. I have checked the pitch of the radiator, the branch pipe all ok. I flushed it out last week and put a Gorton#5 vent to replace the existing Gorton#6. Radiator is furthest from boiler on 1st floor. Gorton#2 on main. Bangs for about a minute, stops, bangs a little more then stops. The sound appears to be in the radiator only, not the piping. Any thoughts, suggestions?
  • DK_5
    DK_5 Member Posts: 18

    Pat, thanks for your response. The handvalve is fully open and was replaced 5 years ago. It is in very good condition. The radiator is in the same location as it was before I remodled my kitchen 4 years ago and there was no banging until I reinstalled it. The branch piping was redone. It ued to be a 90 elbow from below. Now it is 2 45's and on the opposite side of radiator. Could this possibly be the cause?
  • good info

    Hi DK,

    Anytime a problem starts occuring after a change, in this case the piping and/or orientation, it is likely that the change had some effect.

    One pipe steam branch piping, especially the horizontal runouts, is important to proper operation. The pipe has to be sized and pitched properly. Was the length of the horizontal runout increased with the remodel? That pipe size increases if the runout is over 6 feet.

    Could you describe the branch piping change?

    Best regards, Pat
  • heatguy
    heatguy Member Posts: 102

    if that rad has 1" hand valve you should change it to 1"1/4 the space in a 1" rad valve is not enough for steam and condensate
  • excellent point

    Hi heatguy,

    Sometimes it is the most obvious we overlook. You are likely correct. The charts of the Dead Men suggest that 1" be used up to 25 square feet of radiation, which is a small radiator, about 6,000 btuh.

    Can we get the square footage of the existing radiator? The info so far is not accurate. How tall is the radiator and how deep? What style if possible.

    Is the piping the correct size? This also depends on the size of the radiator and the distance travelled.

    Best regards, Pat

  • DK_5
    DK_5 Member Posts: 18
    Banging Radiator

    Sorry for the delay in reponding. Square footage of radiator is 28EDR, 5760Btuh. 11/4" valve, 2" main, 11/4" feed approx 13' runout to valve.
  • heatguy
    heatguy Member Posts: 102

    > Sorry for the delay in reponding. Square footage

    > of radiator is 28EDR, 5760Btuh. 11/4" valve, 2"

    > main, 11/4" feed approx 13' runout to valve.

    when you changed supply side did you repitch rad towards valve?
  • DK_5
    DK_5 Member Posts: 18
    Banging Radiator

    Yes pitch was changed
  • pipe size on horizontal runout

    Hi DK,

    When the distance of the horizontal runout is longer than 6', the Dead Men's charts say to increase recommended size by one pipe size. In your case, that means it should come off the main at 1-1/2", travel the 13 ft., then turn up with a 1-1/2" by 1-1/4" elbow. The pitch of that horizontal runout needs to be 1" in 10' because of it is counterflow. Check that pitch.

    Best regards, Pat
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