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41 miles of artic ice fell into the ocean........

John Ruhnke
John Ruhnke Member Posts: 937
Hi Everyone,

Global Warming is a serious matter. Don't mess with Mother Nature!!

The scientists just discovered that 41 miles of artic ice broke off and fell into the ocean. The movie Inconvenient Truth predicted that the ice shelfs would melt and the oceans would rise 20 feet. It could happen now or it could take 50 years but I believe it is going to happen. It is starting to happen here and there right now!! I suggest that you sell your ocean front property. Go visit your favorite beach resort this summer. It might be gone in a few years.

As Heating Contractors, we should all go green. We need to do what we can. I am studying up on geothermal, solar and energy efficiency. We need to delay global warming as much as possible until our scientists can find a solution.

To view the article on the ice shelf that broke off go to: http://www.cnn.com/2006/TECH/science/12/29/canada.arctic.ap/index.html


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