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Hotels + CO = deadly combo

Mark Hunt
Mark Hunt Member Posts: 4,908
<a href=http://www.wmdt.com/wires/displaystory.asp?id=57523562>another.</a>

Bring a CO alarm with you when you travel. I'm not kidding.

Mark H

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  • John R. Hall
    John R. Hall Member Posts: 2,245
    Too much of this crap lately

    Seems that hotels are climbing to the top of the dubious list of "death by CO poisoning." I know of at least three in the news in the past six months, including this one. Maybe the HVAC community should start telemarketing hotel chains now, eh?

  • Jim Davis_7
    Jim Davis_7 Member Posts: 67
    CO in Lobby

    Was the CO checking in or checking out??
  • John R. Hall
    John R. Hall Member Posts: 2,245
    No Jim

    CO, not CEO
  • J.C.A._3
    J.C.A._3 Member Posts: 2,980
    How about....

    Schools? 10 sent to the hospital today in Fitchburg Ma. with symptoms of CO poisoning. You'd think that they would have at least some kind of monitors for it. Chris
  • Mark Hunt
    Mark Hunt Member Posts: 4,908

    are also on the list of "most dangerous places". Hospitals aren't any better either.

    There was a study done in DC I believe where it was revealed that kids ON the school buses were getting hit with higher doses of CO than they would if they were standing OUTSIDE and BEHIND the school bus. Ever watch school buses loading kids up for the trip home? Sitting in the school lot idling with the doors open? In the summer with the windows open as well?

    Scott posted pics of that CO nightmare a few weeks ago. Restaurant wasn't it? Businesses are about making money. Having combustion appliances PROPERLY installed and serviced COSTS money so those systems tend to be in the worst condition. I would imagine that a restaurant owner is more concerned about being sued by someone for food poisoning than they are about CO poisoning.

    BTW, if I had done a CO thread this year, it would have been twice as long as the original. Misuse of portable generators is currently the most frequent CO story I get.

    Mark H

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  • John R. Hall
    John R. Hall Member Posts: 2,245
    Call-in radio show

    I'm co-hosting a call-in radio show Saturday in Omaha (from the comfort of my home office) along with an Omaha HVAC contractor. The topic is CO poisoning and Omaha knows a lot about that -- a few people have died there within the last year from CO poisoning including a high school football coach and his teenage son. I'll take some notes and share later. Educate-educate-educate!
  • Steverino
    Steverino Member Posts: 140
    So sad

    all the lost lives & serious illnesses. All of this is so avoidable.
    How often do you think an unrecognized CO problem results in nothing more than a headache? As soon as the occupants step outside into the fresh air their headache goes away after a short while.
  • Steamhead (in transit)
    Steamhead (in transit) Member Posts: 6,688
    Mark, if I remember correctly

    that's where we had Wetstock 4!

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