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munchkin noise

Mark Hunt
Mark Hunt Member Posts: 4,908
is covered for three years under warranty. After that, you're on your own. They are not cheap, as you know.

Glad you got it worked out!

Mark H

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  • Dave_4
    Dave_4 Member Posts: 1,405
    Munchkin noise on startup

    I am working on my first 80m and is sometimes makes a lot of noise on start up seems to be a vibration lasting sometimes for several seconds. It can be heard upstairs.
    I cleaned the burner, no improvement. If the fan is bad (like others have found) can I buy a new one without breaking the bank. I have not checkd pressures yet. I would appreciate any input. It also seems to blow back out of the air intake when this happens. After starting and on purge it runs great.
  • Mark Hunt
    Mark Hunt Member Posts: 4,908

    are your combustion numbers?




    In that order.


    Do you have a digital combustion analyzer?

    If "yes": Post the numbers.

    If "no": There is nothing anyone on this forum can do for you.

    I am not trying to be mean. I am merely telling you he truth. If you don't believe me, read the instructions.

    Mark H

    To Learn More About This Professional, Click Here to Visit Their Ad in "Find A Professional"
  • Dave_4
    Dave_4 Member Posts: 1,405

    gee Mark I was just asking. I haven't got any numbers because I did not have the equipment when I stopped. I plan on returning tomorrow to check it throughly. Although I have seen others complain about the same thing on different forums that I cannot access without a membership fee. I was just wondering what they found. Seems like the fan causes lots of problems. I'll check CO etc. tomorrow but I would like to be informed before I go out there. We don't do too many boilers and got stuck with this one when the customer bought a new house.
  • Pinball
    Pinball Member Posts: 249

    This could be due to poor combustion like Mark said. the Co2 should be between 9.5-10.5% and the co less than 20ppm on low fire. Also re-check the venting, and be SURE it is in accordance with MFG specs.

    It may be a blower issue but I suspect it is just harmonics through the vent from a poor adjustment.

    If you have never done this before, contact HTP First! turning the wrong adjustment screw, could lead to a world of trouble!

    Al (pinball) Bruno
  • Mark Hunt
    Mark Hunt Member Posts: 4,908

    Once you have the test numbers, we can go from there. Without digital testing equipment, these boilers are impossible to set up.

    A noise at start up indicates improper combustion. Check the CO while the boiler is in high fire. In high fire, the Munchkin fan will be turning 4600 RPMs. This can be read on the key pad by pressing the S4 button for three seconds and then scrolling to D6. (Scroll by pressing the S4 button) Once you are at 4600, see what your CO number is. Should be between 100 and 125 ppm. O2 should be 3% to 5%.

    There is an adjustment screw located to the bottom left of the intake on the gas assembly. Counter clockwise increases gas, clockwise decreases gas. Higher O2, turn counterclockwise, lower O2, turn clockwise. Do 1/4 turns and watch your numbers on the analyser.

    Again, I was not trying to be mean. It's just that we see LOTS of posts about this and it usually ends up that the person asking the question does not have the equipment or the know how to work on the Munchkin.

    Let us know how you make out.

    Mark H

    To Learn More About This Professional, Click Here to Visit Their Ad in "Find A Professional"
  • Dave_4
    Dave_4 Member Posts: 1,405
    update on Munchkin

    I went out today and checked the gasses and found them to be off. I ended up turning it about 2.5 clockwise to get good readings. I found out my meater would not read co any more so I will have to get at fixed. Another guy brought out another one and we compared readings so I think we have it set good at co2 9.3, o2 4.2, co at 72ppm. on high. On low it was 8.8 5.1 and 8ppm(?). This is after adjusting it for the best overall.

    While waiting for a new analizer I took the fan apart and looked at the impeller. I could see some dis-coloration on the fan where it stops at in front of the hole that goes to the burner. (four spots). I think that the heat flows backwards after it shuts off and heats the fan blades. Could this be a cause of fan failure?

    I would really like to find a replacement fan at a reasonable cost.Wouldn't you think the factory would offer this?
    I could see scratches on the brass screw adjustment so I know someone had misadjusted this furnace. Seems to work good now
    Thanks for this help.
  • Troy_3
    Troy_3 Member Posts: 479

    It sounds too lean. 72 on your co is too low. Get it up at least another 25 points. The rumble sounds like you may be off on your low fire adjustment. Call HTP they will walk you through it.
  • jeb
    jeb Member Posts: 46

    Just Curious, how expensive are these fans?
  • Kevin G_2
    Kevin G_2 Member Posts: 20

    The co readings on high fire should be between 85 and 120. bassed on Natural gas. these parameters are in the IOM book. your co is low. I set all my boilers at 110 on the co. the co2 should be between 9.5 and 10.5.sometimes co2 is just under that(9.3). The noise could also be caused by the offset being a little off. your reaading on low fire will come up some when you get the boiler set right but they are not changeable. you need to set your readings at high fire.

    Kevin G
  • Chris_82
    Chris_82 Member Posts: 321
    Fans..., to answere your question...

    $500.00, plus your time and labor to solve this factory defect.
  • jeff lange
    jeff lange Member Posts: 8

    Are fans still a problem on current models or have they corrected this defect? Is it possible to buy aftermarket fans for replacement?
  • Uni R_2
    Uni R_2 Member Posts: 589
    Test n/m

  • pete_22
    pete_22 Member Posts: 28
    Munch FAns

    I was wondering the same. Are the new Munchkins still having fan troubles? Is this a problem of older units?
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