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Water heater replacement - help?

Couderay Member Posts: 314
Do you mean boiler! what is the name brand of boiler and hot water tank would be a good start. Sounds like you have an indirect water heater. There are many replacements out there. Where is the leak coming from and how old is the system.


  • Scott19
    Scott19 Member Posts: 1
    Water heater replacement - help?

    My water tank is actually heated as a separate zone from my forced hot water furnace. I need to replace (leaking) but am having trouble finding a replacement (or someone who understands my setup)- is this not common? A pipe from by furnaces goes in, heats up the water in the tank, and then exits back to the furnace just like the other zones. Perhaps this setup has a special name- any help is appreciated- tired of picking up puddles.

    Scott G.
  • TGO_54
    TGO_54 Member Posts: 327
    Sounds like a boiler

    with an indirect water heater, very common for the contractors who post here.

    Go to the find a Pro tab at the top of your screen and click it, tpye in your zip code to find some close to you who know this set up.

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  • Weezbo
    Weezbo Member Posts: 6,232
    That is an indirect. it is real common.

    quite often you neednt throw the baby out with the bath water,it may only require a couple of wrenches to repair the problem. there are many makers of these tanks ..each has its own vagarities some times the leak is caused as it were by the temp that is being maintained or the piping arrangement...someone with experience can read it like the sentence on the page. there is a tab on the menue called Find a Professional...check it out:) maybe your indirect is ok. why buy another one if it isnt Broke?
  • JackFre
    JackFre Member Posts: 225
    I would suggest

    that you go to www.foreverhotwater.com and look into an on-demand type product.
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