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A one & two pipe system

The only problem is the air vent spits water occasionally. about the water trap, can I just open it and remove the internals, instead of removing the trap all together.

It hasn't been cold enough in Philadelphia, to really tell if the system is working properly. I was asking the questions based on the information on this site.


  • A one & two pipe system

    I have a one pipe system, but when they enclosed the porch they added a two pipe radiator in the porch. Right now it has an air vent on the radiator, should I remove this and if so what do I replace it with?

    It does have a steam trap also attached furhter down the pipe and not directly on the radiator.
  • Christian Egli_2
    Christian Egli_2 Member Posts: 812
    New year? A time for change?

    Why do you want to change anything? is something not working well as it stands right now?

    What to do depends a lot on where the return pipe leads to, you also say there is a radiator trap along that line. Keep following that pipe.

    If anything (with very limited view of your system), keep the radiator vent and remove the radiator trap. Insure proper pitch too and double check pipe size issues in regards to required steam flow.

    Installing a two pipe radiator with a one pipe connection does not mean you necessarily have to use all the available holes. The connecting links are important, not the radiator itself.

    Whishing you good healthy radiators for the new year.
  • Steamhead (in transit)
    Steamhead (in transit) Member Posts: 6,688
    The return from that radiator

    should drop below the boiler's water line and connect to a "wet" (filled with water) return. The air vent can stay where it is. The trap should be removed, it just complicates things if it closes.

    Try the Find a Professional page of this site to locate someone who can straighten this out.

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  • Steamhead (in transit)
    Steamhead (in transit) Member Posts: 6,688
    To answer that question

    we would need to know how the discharge from the trap connects to the system. Maybe some pics would help.

    To Learn More About This Professional, Click Here to Visit Their Ad in "Find A Professional"
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