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Commercial Plumbers out there?

GW Member Posts: 4,788
merci boocoo

<A HREF="http://www.heatinghelp.com/getListed.cfm?id=368&Step=30">To Learn More About This Professional, Click Here to Visit Their Ad in "Find A Professional"</A>
Gary Wilson
Wilson Services, Inc
Northampton, MA


  • GW
    GW Member Posts: 4,788
    MDC trap

    I need to plunk a couple of MDC traps in here in Mass. I can go anywhere I want. My question is can these go outdoors? I don't know if it makes a difference; certainly I could run the vents back inside and through the roof. I can have them in the parking lot or even in the grassy shoulder between the building and the sidewalk (sidewalk will be maybe 7' off the front of the building; parallel with front of building.

    If I go inside, it's just going to be a pain for the excavator to dig it out (yes, it's new construction) and for the delivery guy to drop it in the hole.

    Pros and cons please?

    G Wilson M-10839

    To Learn More About This Professional, Click Here to Visit Their Ad in "Find A Professional"
    Gary Wilson
    Wilson Services, Inc
    Northampton, MA
  • bob young
    bob young Member Posts: 2,177
    bldg. dept approval

    IN N.Y.C. if it is not directly specified in the code , it is up to the plumbing engineer through the architect to get approval from the building dept. never volunteer any thing you don't get paid for. it always comes back to haunt you.
  • jackchips_2
    jackchips_2 Member Posts: 1,337
    They can

    go outside Gary and it is required that the vents return into the building and through the roof.

  • Chris_82
    Chris_82 Member Posts: 321
    You need to be a little more careful than that,...


    Theres the plumbing code and how it pertains to floor drains, auto and other garages, and special wastes...then theres the DEP and they take over not only 10' from the foundation wall, but everywhere now inside and out, more info and cya in writing from all agencys before you start. As far as running vents back inside, in Boston this is generally frowned upon! And large sediment traps need access, usually this is the generals responsibility. Get on the phone with the DEP and your local inspector, lest you get stuck! If you want to speak with someone who has been thru this try and get Frank Shea at the mass plumbing board, he is a state inspector, that if you can find him, will detail some of the pitfalls about just sticking things anywhere.
  • jackchips_2
    jackchips_2 Member Posts: 1,337
    Below is another site

    for Chris and Gary.

    You make some good points Chris but I wonder if you would anwer a couple of questions?

    When did the DEP take over from the Plumbing Board on inside plumbing?

    When was a vote taken to allow Boston to have different rules from the rest of us in the State?

    A curious mind wants to learn.



  • Chris_82
    Chris_82 Member Posts: 321
    When Ken Green left the water dept. and went to work for the...

    The DEP like the inspectors for the backflow division, and the MWRA, seem to go to great lengths as does the barrier board, (handicap regulations,) to duplicate, have their own and are very opinionated and sometimes conflict with the mass plumbing code. In other words in Boston, esp. large jobs it helps to know all 4 sets of regulations that concern plumbing. There is nothing like installing 60 kindergarten water closets, with their associated tempering valves in the same classrooms, and grab rails and mirrors per or against the arch. S or P, or A plans and finding out the barrier board has the final say and fixing this at our cost after the tile has been set, nothing like asking before you start. And by the way arbitration sided with the barrier board despite us following the architectural section. The general was noticeably…distant…and absolved themselves of any and all responsibility, btw.

    More than once the MWRA has challenged the location and venting inside buildings versus outside of buildings, we found the plumbing inspectors to be very political during these moments…And when we did the new Fenway park grease trap, we were not allowed to distance the vent. If you look in the parking lot u will see the u vent, that’s if it’s still there. Point being the plumbing code is frequently superseded by others. As far as backflow devices as well as large traps, of any size they need to be approved by these respective boards before installation has started!
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