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Plumber slander

Just checked out the website, this company is an idiot for using the "customer's" statement... Since they belongs to and using RPA endorsment as well being a member of bs BBB assoc. They must be a "bonifide" company to people to believe everything they see on the internet....


  • Aaron Gibson
    Aaron Gibson Member Posts: 15
    Plumber slander

    I was doing some boiler research on the net and I stumble upon
    a website that sells radiant systems direct, so I started reading. The comments at the bottom of the page rubbed me wrong.....


    Is it a weak attempt to convince a DIY'er that He's just as
    capable to install as a licensed plumber? If I had a dollar for all the cross connections, I could stay home.

  • ScottMP
    ScottMP Member Posts: 5,883
    NO Idea

    These guys have no idea what being a plumber is all about. Case in point is that they are advocating an open system where the heated water for the radiant is the ssaem water coming out of thier shower. What kiind of bugs are breeding in that radaint floor during the off season ? They don't know and Don't care.

    Its all about sales for them, the almighty dollar.

    Internet companys like this are parasites.


    To Learn More About This Professional, Click Here to Visit Their Ad in "Find A Professional"
  • Chris_82
    Chris_82 Member Posts: 321
    I'v already done battle with this company.

    They do NOT have thousands of installations and if any one has seen my earlier posts about instantaneous heaters then you are already familiar with my opinion of them...

    We can't touch this company. Due to reasons I’ve already mentioned. Some of their installations include garden hose as a cost savings.

    Any company is automatically a member of the BBB; the BBB is primarily a sham organization that pretends to referee consumer disputes. A simple way to fight any BBB allegation is to simply respond...then the offending company is listed as: "responsive." This would work for many of "us" in the case of despicable thieving customers. How many have had a customer withhold the last $500.00 and say "waht are U going to do about it, take me to court for 500?" And then they go to the BBB.

    I notice the Chicago reporter got a lot of attention; you want to play union and protect your work? You want to protect the public from a scam operation? You want to protect your reputations? Then get on the phone, mail the representatives in VT and get off your butts as I have done and help save someone’s life, because these people also sell gas SS, water heaters, and various chimney systems and they are going to hurt someone!!! It is just a question of when...
  • You've barely scratched the surface Aaron...

    And unless you want to hear from their attorney, I'd be careful what you say about them in public. Most of them area a contentious litigious bunch and will sue you just to make you shut up. Numerous participants here at the wall have been contacted by their attornies for things they have said, and they DO come to the Wall to read (who in this industry doesn't?)

    I will be doing my part this year with the code authorities...

  • Scott Kneeland
    Scott Kneeland Member Posts: 158

    I just had a customer {that i have serviced for 3 years} call me this week a say he had a reset problem. When I arr ived I found a new boiler piped and sitting infront of the old one. He and his "buddies" installed it. I was quick to point out the lack of a LWCO, backflow preventer,thermal firomatic. proper flue clearance, direct vent under a deck, no building permit, and best of all the burner faced the wall 6" away. I explained that I would no longer be his service company. Sometimes you have to fire the customer.

    To Learn More About This Professional, Click Here to Visit Their Ad in "Find A Professional"
  • Matt Undy
    Matt Undy Member Posts: 256
    I think this has already been convered..

    > I was doing some boiler research on the net and I

    > stumble upon a website that sells radiant

    > systems direct, so I started reading. The

    > comments at the bottom of the page rubbed me

    > wrong.....


    > http://www.radiantcompany.com/heatso

    > urces/Takagischematics.shtml


    > Is it a weak

    > attempt to convince a DIY'er that He's just as

    > capable to install as a licensed plumber? If I

    > had a dollar for all the cross connections, I

    > could stay home.


    > Aaron

  • Matt Undy
    Matt Undy Member Posts: 256
    I think this has already been covered..

    but, how would you install a ssytem if you couldn't design and fit up the near boiler piping...

    I'd be all for selling the components along with explaining how to properly engineer the system. i relaize that an experienced professional would do a better job, but they could explain enough to make it safe and function reasonably well, at least for somone with some plumbing and electrical experience.

    One thing I have not found a good resource for is proper venting of natural vent appliances. (i've seen many instalations even by professionals where higher effiecnecy appliances ahve been installed into chimneys that were probably too large even for the original equipment). There used to be some rules of thumb included in installation manuals, but there is clearly more engineering to it than what those state.

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