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Hot water heat, need to add water none upstairs, no pressure

Weezbo Member Posts: 6,232
What am i doing Right. *~/:) Trust me.

one minor technicality the type of boiler that you have...and also the piping arrangements and pieces.... it sounds like you may have a hydronic boiler..rather than steam. so ,in that sense you are right on the trail to getting Heat.

a couple things you want to be sure of before adding water to any boiler...one is the temp and pressure...and the other is that you have turned it off. boiler like us buh sometimes no likey Homeowner.. runs like a top at the mere Mention that you are getting a professional to stop in and take a look at it :)

so check the temps and pressure turn the power off pick up the phone and call someone in your area to stop over and bring a wrench...if no one can get there within an hour or so,...then you could add water to it at that time with a few cautionary operations of valves and a washing machine hose and the fast fill.

there are "things"to look for when or if you are doing that..one is, is the temp pressure gauge changing...? if so how much...? and do you have flow out the end of the hose?...if you have air bubbles coming out the end of the hose while the end is held under water ..it means you are purging air..when that quits happening it means you have circulation ,provided of course water is coming out of the end of the hose ..:)

how to would be made easier with a picture...


  • DG_2
    DG_2 Member Posts: 2
    Need help with hot water heat.

    I am a new homeowner, The hot water heat system is converted from steam with a very old boiler (the house was built 1933).

    I have no water in the rad's upstairs.

    I have very low pressure in the boiler and almost none in the expansion tank.

    I have replaced the TACO pump at recommendation from a friend.

    at one point I did have water upstairs but not a whole lot only the bottom half of one rad was hot.

    I have opened what LOOKS like the water feed to city water, as well as the lead into the boiler (two screw valves with 2 bell valves in between, one set at 12 psi and one with a handle to drain)

    what am i doing wrong here? how can i fill the system!

    all suggestions are greatly appreciated.
  • DG_2
    DG_2 Member Posts: 2

    well on a whim I took a funnel and an old anti freeze container, and filled up the upstairs radiators till they spilled out! i know sounds ridiculous but i didnt have a double sided hose.

    so i now have 12psi of pressure and heat upstairs! I added hot water and doing so from up top i think it would have enough time to reach ambient heating system water temp before hitting hte boiler.

    thanks for your advice, ill keep an eye on it in the meantime.
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