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New steamer ( pics )

David Sutton_6
David Sutton_6 Member Posts: 1,079
Will repipe tommorrow, Feel like a rookie but love the help!Don't know what i was thinking !see repost tomorrow

Edit: Glenn i must add that you are a fine man to post that being a rep of another company, I owe you a new level of respect !!!



  • David Sutton_6
    David Sutton_6 Member Posts: 1,079
    Before pics

    These are the before pics, i was the new guy on the job and was not happt then the way the job turned but it was out of my control ;-(.
    this was a 6 section 76 ser. W+M.
  • David Sutton_6
    David Sutton_6 Member Posts: 1,079
    These are the after pics

    Russ Anderson, my old work partner and two apprentices his and mine, did this one in a day and a half.
    Its a 80 ser W+M 4 section boiler, came out nice!!and it was great to work with Russ again!

  • Ed N.Y.C.
    Ed N.Y.C. Member Posts: 73

    Am I mistaken or is that a PS801,lower right front of boiler, and if it is,isn't it below the crown sheet
  • David

    Ed is correct with his comment regarding the LWCO type and location. Per Page 30 of the I&O manual here is the type and location of the Water Level Control(s) for that boiler. They should be the Float Type controls and in most cases should also have a Manual Reset type in the second set of tappings. Pressure fire type boilers like these can steam off usable water rrather quickly and with a probe type control in that tapping it will prabably be too late by the time it shuts down. Not one of ours but I'm concerned just the same!

    Glenn Stanton
  • Rich Ferris
    Rich Ferris Member Posts: 72
    Hey Nice Job guys

    David, Russ, John and mystery #4,

    Very nice! It would seem to say " Something Borrowed- Something Blue- Something Shiney- Something New. Your figure out the borrowed part. LOL

  • David Sutton_6
    David Sutton_6 Member Posts: 1,079
    Good catch Ed

    Thank you Will take care of that tomorrow!!

  • Nice job Dave

    LWCO issues aside , that is some nice header pipework . You're really churning out the steamers this season . I think yesterday was my 3rd or 4th . Usually were around 20 by now .

    Keep up the good work buddy .
  • Al Corelli_2
    Al Corelli_2 Member Posts: 395
    Hey Ron.

    Not busy enough?

    Wanna come to Westchester? The Bronx?

    We are very lucky to be very busy right now. Of course, in two weeks, things may change completely.

    You could teach my guys and I a thing or two. Or three.

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  • You're welcome David

    Also wanted to compiment you on the fine installation and piping job. Keep up the wonderful craftmanship.

    Glenn Stanton
  • Steamhead (in transit)
    Steamhead (in transit) Member Posts: 6,688
    Except for the LWCO issue

    looks like a nice job! Was this the Webster system you were talking about?

    I see we have some real sharp eyes here!

    Here's a 4-80 we did recently with a probe LWCO installed in the proper place. This was on a Webster Vapor system in a large old house. We prefer probes on residential systems since float-type LWCO units don't always get blown down as they should. W-M offers both float and probe LWCO units for the 80 boilers so they will meet whatever code the job comes under. We check the probes and clean or replace them as needed at the fall start-up. On this one we did use a backup Pressuretrol as well as a Vaporstat.

    To Learn More About This Professional, Click Here to Visit Their Ad in "Find A Professional"
  • We're staying pretty steady

    with water boilers , heaters , baseboard , and the occasional furnace . It's the steamers we haven't been replacing lately . We changed out a V75 block yesterday . No pics - the piping wasn't what I'd call great .

    Thanks for the offer Al . If things get slow I might just have to take you up on that . I haven't done Bronx work in over 10 years :)
  • David Sutton_6
    David Sutton_6 Member Posts: 1,079
    Thank you !!

    Seems slow around here a bit also, but still keep plugging
    Man is it me or is the 3' cast iron pipe wrenches more heaveyer these days.... oooh ouch... hot tub time

    Thanks ron jr

  • David Sutton_6
    David Sutton_6 Member Posts: 1,079
    Thanks Frank !!

    Thats the Kriebel Vapor system in Suffield. Nice job just got to address the LWCO, thanks for the picture i see it clearly. Will go back tomorrow and take care of it. i still have to go back to the other vapor sytem next week. Thanks again

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