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DanHolohan Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 16,582
you come to The Big Apple. Molly Wee Pub is one block from Penn Station, and two blocks from Dublin.
Retired and loving it.


  • DanHolohan
    DanHolohan Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 16,582
    An idea

    How about if each person going to any of the Big Ugly Get Togethers this month donates the price of one drink to charity. Just take that five or so bucks and put it in a pile on the bar. At the end of the night gather it up and donate it to a good cause. And for that, I have a suggestion.

    My daughter, Colleen, is dating Adam Reinke, who is one of the best men I know. Adam works at ACCESS BOSTON. This is a not-for-profit organization that helps the kids in Boston's public schools find the financial aid that they need to get into college. Adam is brilliant at finding ways to get things done. He's passionate about what he does, and he's changing the world by helping young people get an education.

    I'd love to donate the combined cost of one drink from each of us when we get together. Each group can gather the money and donate it directly through the ACCESS website.

    Will you guys do this with me?
    Retired and loving it.
  • ScottMP
    ScottMP Member Posts: 5,883
    Sounds like a good idea

    Best time to get money from people is when they've been "drinkin". :)

    The Boston Group " throws down the glove ! "


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  • DanHolohan
    DanHolohan Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 16,582

    Are you guys at The Irish Embassy?
    Retired and loving it.
  • Paul Fredricks_3
    Paul Fredricks_3 Member Posts: 1,557

    How about adding a temporary, or permanent, spot in the online store. Kind of like a brick, for those who can't make it to a local Uglyfest.

    Hopefully see you in NY.
  • DanHolohan
    DanHolohan Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 16,582
    Great idea,

    but if it goes through our store we have to pay taxes on it. Best to just donate directly to ACCESS. They also have some neat stuff for sale: ACCESS STORE
    Retired and loving it.
  • Brad White_9
    Brad White_9 Member Posts: 2,440
    Being a Cheap Date

    (I drink like a Mormon at Spring Break), I have little idea what drinks cost.

    I will answer the challenge with at least a flat $10.

    Dan, you are the MAN. You make Albert Schweitzer look like just another nice guy.
  • DanHolohan
    DanHolohan Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 16,582

    I figure that the folks in Boston could use some education. I mean, considering what they're spending on Japanese baseball players and all. In NYC, we know where that gets you.

    Just trying to help out here. ;-)
    Retired and loving it.
  • DanHolohan
    DanHolohan Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 16,582
    Adam asked me to post this for him:

    Wallies! Thank you so much for participating in this challenge thrown down by Big Dan. It kinda makes sense when you think of it. Donating drinks so that kids can go to college, where they will most likely learn how to drink.

    The Boston Public Schools are unfortunately some of the poorest and under-staffed schools in the country, and contributions like this truly do make a difference.

    Thanks again for your support!

    Retired and loving it.
  • Joseph G.
    Joseph G. Member Posts: 1
    Sorry, Dan


    I work really hard Dan, I had to take my daughter out of college because I can't afford the tuition. Two years and $35,000 worth of loans. Can't do it any more. And it seems I earn too much to get any financial aid. I'm not a foreigner and my daughter isn't a "minority," so government aid and aid from "inner city" groups doesn't exist.

    Sorry, man. Really, no offense. But I'd rather help my own before I help strangers or foundations that I find to be generally racist against people who look like me.

  • DanHolohan
    DanHolohan Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 16,582
    Cost of one drink

    while spending time with friends, having a laugh, helping a kid we've never met. Doesn't seem like much trouble to me, but we all make our own choices in life, Joe, and no one is forcing anyone to do anything here. It's just a good time with friends. Good luck to you.

    Retired and loving it.
  • DanHolohan
    DanHolohan Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 16,582

    just NYC and Boston in on this?
    Retired and loving it.
  • Brad White_9
    Brad White_9 Member Posts: 2,440
    I think Connecticut

    is still arguing over who picks up the one case of Budweiser and whether or not John Ruhnke will move his Award Trophy back to the front lawn in order to clear out the Ruhnkus Room for their get-together.

    That is the rumor anyway :)
  • JB_2
    JB_2 Member Posts: 68

    hi Dan- count me in. john
  • Paul Fredricks_3
    Paul Fredricks_3 Member Posts: 1,557

    Us CT guys are getting an awful amount of flack. What do you want to do John B. I'm thinking a train ride. Call me.
  • Brad White_9
    Brad White_9 Member Posts: 2,440
    No flack, Paul, tough love.

    We want you to join US and not venture into Gotham...
  • DanHolohan
    DanHolohan Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 16,582

    coffee to clean off my screen. Thanks.
    Retired and loving it.
  • Paul Fredricks_3
    Paul Fredricks_3 Member Posts: 1,557

    Workin on it. Only Amtrak goes to Penn from CT, but there is no return train at night. Metro North works to grand central, then a subway ride to MSG. Add to that the fact that my wife can't go since she has to drive the kids around that night. And I have band practice on Wed and Fri that week so I won't see any of them for 3 days.

    I'm workin on it.
  • DanHolohan
    DanHolohan Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 16,582
    Thanks, John.

    Good man.
    Retired and loving it.
  • Bob Bona_4
    Bob Bona_4 Member Posts: 2,083
    that would

    be Sam Adams, Brad. We are the state below you :)
  • Bob Bona_4
    Bob Bona_4 Member Posts: 2,083
    I'm for

    metro north to GCS, then cabbing it. If we can syncronize, I can meet you guys at some station Westport or south of that to get on.
  • Hope to see you at the Molly Wee , Bob

    And yep , count me in for the drink donation or 2 .
  • Paul Fredricks_3
    Paul Fredricks_3 Member Posts: 1,557

    Bob, where do you live?
  • Bob Bona_4
    Bob Bona_4 Member Posts: 2,083
    I live

    in Weston. Not too hard to get down to the 95 corridor and pick a rr station.
  • mtfallsmikey
    mtfallsmikey Member Posts: 765
    How about a D.C. / Baltimore Big Ugly?

    Does anyone wnat to try to pull one off? I'm game!
  • Paul Fredricks_3
    Paul Fredricks_3 Member Posts: 1,557

    I'm in Bethel, but work in Bridgeport. Email me today and we'll work out the logistics.
  • Paul Fredricks_3
    Paul Fredricks_3 Member Posts: 1,557

    You should list this as a separate thread so more people in your area will look at it.
  • Denver's in...

    I'm thinking that a closer charitabel organization like the Denver Chapter of Habit for Humanity or the like would be more appropriate then sending Colorado money back east, but sure, I'll go for it.

  • Philadelphia!!!

    We're pulling this off. See the TOPIC...


    Victory Brewpub!!!!!

    (and donations for ACCESS!!!!)
  • our local ski slopes

    are going to be a charity case before much more time passes - send us some of your snow!

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  • Paul Fredricks_3
    Paul Fredricks_3 Member Posts: 1,557

    I went to Jiminy Peak, MA this past weekend. Lots of rain. From our condo we could see three strips of snow, with large brown streaks through them. Went shopping, and then drinking.
  • Brad White_9
    Brad White_9 Member Posts: 2,440
    Somehow the \"Ski York\" campaign

    never quite got off the ground, did it? Sort of like Massachusetts exporting good government or something.
This discussion has been closed.