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One pipe steam mods.

Glen_5 Member Posts: 21
I have a 9500 sq/ft house (old) with a one pipe steam system. There are 3 mains feeding various parts of the system. My question is this, one of the mains feeds a wing of the house where I have central a/c installed and already have heat coils (hydro) installed in the air handlers. Since I am going to add a h/w boiler anyway for hot water and other reasons, I may want to disconnect the one main and remove all the radiators in that section of the house only and use the hydro air (long story). If I do this, is it likely to effect the operating of the other 2 mains due to pipe sizing and balancing issues? The risers coming off the boiler now must be 10 inches or so each in diameter. Although I will need to replace the boiler in the future, other than the near boiler piping, I would like to leave the rest as is.

As always, thanks for your responses. You guys are great.


  • Steamhead (in transit)
    Steamhead (in transit) Member Posts: 6,688
    I wouldn't do that

    Hydro-air is essentially forced-air without the carbon-monoxide hazard from cracking heat exchangers. It has all the other disadvantages of forced-air: circulated dust and dirt, possible mold accumulation in the ducts, white noise from fans, moving air that makes you feel cold in winter, etc. etc. etc.

    You will never be as comfortable with hydro-air as you will with your radiators. Keep the steam.

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  • Glen_5
    Glen_5 Member Posts: 21

    > Hydro-air is essentially forced-air without the

    > carbon-monoxide hazard from cracking heat

    > exchangers. It has all the other disadvantages of

    > forced-air: circulated dust and dirt, possible

    > mold accumulation in the ducts, white noise from

    > fans, moving air that makes you feel cold in

    > winter, etc. etc. etc.


    > You will never be as

    > comfortable with hydro-air as you will with your

    > radiators. Keep the steam.


    > _A

    > HREF="http://www.heatinghelp.com/getListed.cfm?id=

    > 367&Step=30"_To Learn More About This

    > Professional, Click Here to Visit Their Ad in

    > "Find A Professional"_/A_

    The hydro air would only be in one section of the home. I will have a tenant and I want them to have a separate thermostat. Despite trying to balance the system, that section of the home is always colder than the rest. Since I have to renovate that section and will have some walls open for central a/c, it seemed to make sense. I could accomplish the same thing with radiant baseboards as well, but my question was really related to capping that one main and not wanting to mess up the overall system. Thanks.
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