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P-A-P as expansion compensator?

CC.Rob_2 Member Posts: 46
I have a convoluted run of fin-tube baseboard in an overradiated room. It defies attempts to quiet down its expansion noise. Layout is 3 ft run, 90right, 6 ft run, 90left, 2 ft run, 90right, 8 ft run.

Slantfin FineLine15. Installed properly, plastic sliders where they're supposed to be, etc. Yet the pipes will periodically plink, and the fins tink, even with the smallish delta-T of an ODR system.

I'm thinking that there just isn't enough wiggle room for this snake.

Would replacing the 2 ft run and the elbows on its ends with a piece of 3/4" PAP serve adequately as an expansion compensator?

Suggestions welcomed. Thanks.


  • Ken_40
    Ken_40 Member Posts: 1,320
    Been there,

    done that...

    Unfortunately, when I encounter that phenom, it is the riser pipe expanding in the wall or floor penetration - not the HWBB or anything you can get to.

    I have found a strip of the translucent/opaque type plastic milk jug material, cut into a strip and inserted between the tubing riser and floor penetration (annular space) can act as a "glide" and eliminate a few audibles. I have also seen a liberal spray of silicone shot down the hole quell the beast. The assumption being the wood flooring/framing is pinching the tubing - which was forced into place by someone who mistakenly thought "snug is better."
  • CC.Rob_2
    CC.Rob_2 Member Posts: 46
    plenty of space

    Thanks Ken.

    Flooring was done by yours truly, who subscribes to the "room to expand is good" school of thought. Risers not the problem. Made sure the subfloor holes were roomy, too.

    The problem seems to be I've got four runs of element totalling 19 ft, and every couple feet the direction changes 90 degrees. Each length is well-attached to the wall with brackets per install instructions. Plastic sliders in the brackets, etc. The sum is that I think there's just nowhere in this run where expansion can be accommodated adequately due to the frequent direction changes. Here's a pic (it's Slantfin's diagram with mods by me. Hope they don't mind. At least it's their baseboard....)

    My intent would be to replace the 90s on either end of the 2 ft run, and the 2 ft run itself with PAP which would give either end of the remaining element runs room to "breathe." Leave the cover in place to hide the PAP.

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