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41 miles of artic ice fell into the ocean........

John Ruhnke
John Ruhnke Member Posts: 937
Hi Everyone,

It is happening as predicted. Global Warming is a serious issue. Never fool with Mother Nature!!

The movie Inconvenient Truth predicted that the ice shelfs would fall into the oceans and the water levels would raise 20 feet. I suggest you don't buy any ocean front property. Also, this summer go and take a vacation at your favorite beach resort because it may be gone forever soon!!!

Alright I know I am scarring you but this could happen. We need to do all we can to reduce world wide fuel consumption now. Everyone here on the wall should be going green.

We need to learn about and use, Geothermal, Solar and increase energy efficiency. I am devoting my career to learning more about it and doing something!!

To view the story on the 41 miles of artic ice that broke off go to: http://www.cnn.com/2006/TECH/science/12/29/canada.arctic.ap/index.html


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