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Stairway switch

Is it possible to put a stairway switch and any type of firomatic switch on a gas steam millivolt system? I don't think so because of the added resistance in the circuit. But let me know please, I have a customer that has just purchased a house and 2 electicians have given her quotes to do the job. thanks for any help


  • I would,

    think so Jim(electrical is not really my bag),I put-one on my HW boiler(millivolt) and just used a small relay mounted near the gas-valve.

  • I would,

    think so Jim(electrical is not really my bag),I put-one on my HW boiler(millivolt) and just used a small relay mounted near the gas-valve.

  • Rich W
    Rich W Member Posts: 175
    Think so too

    What is a thermostat but a remote switch? Just make sure you have enough mV left over to do the job at the valve...every switch (and wire) "eats up" a certain number of milli-volts through resistance.
  • jim lockard
    jim lockard Member Posts: 1,059
    Red Switch

    wall switches are put on millivolt fire log systems all the time, as for a boiler I would use a relay with millivolt contacts and a 24 or 110 volt coil. J.Lockard
  • Wayco Wayne_2
    Wayco Wayne_2 Member Posts: 2,479
    You may need to

    add a 24 volt transformer so you can use a small control relay down by the gas valve. Find a nearby 120 volts source nearby and tap into that. WW

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