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5 Most Important & Cutting Edge 2006 Wall Issues

J.C.A._3 Member Posts: 2,980

If you ain't testing, you just guessing.

Happy New Year all. Chris


  • D107
    D107 Member Posts: 1,860
    What else would you add to these?

    In no particular order and omitting many I'm sure:

    1. Re-thinking Primary Secondary Pumping with Mod/Cons

    2. System 2000 Rep/Installer relations (wall as referee)

    3. Re-thinking outdoor reset with mod/cons

    4. Health: Ongoing awareness of CO issues, photos of dangerously bad installs found by wallies, Legionnaire's Disease in indirect HWH with less than 140 degree water.

    Such a great synthesis of ideas emerged from some of these threads you could almost feel the shifting of the hydronics field's center of gravity.

    Though I have bought a number of bricks since I found the wall, and have paid pros for consultations, I'm sure the forum here has saved me $$thousands in additional consultation costs, and I'd bet homeowners collectively saved tens and even hundreds of $$thousands.

    Thanks and bring it on '07.....

  • My suggestion for #5

    the new, more-efficient generation of steam boilers, starting with the Burnham Mega-Steam. Come on Crown, Dunkirk/Utica/ECR, Peerless, Slant/Fin, Smith, Weil-McLain and all the others- Burnham caught you with your pants down on this one. When are you bringing your new steamers out?

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  • Bob Sweet
    Bob Sweet Member Posts: 540
    Another possilbe entry ?

    Designing a mod/con that addresses the issue of short cycling due to lack of mass. The design of either added mass or incorporating a buffer tank as a package.

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  • Timco
    Timco Member Posts: 3,040

    I thought 'rats' was a pretty popular topic...

    Just a guy running some pipes.
  • marc friedman
    marc friedman Member Posts: 35

  • jackchips_2
    jackchips_2 Member Posts: 1,337

    lacking in so many threads:


    Happy New Year to all.

  • Al Corelli_2
    Al Corelli_2 Member Posts: 395
    Most Notable...

    I am very happy that the word of the year turned out to be


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    There was an error rendering this rich post.

  • Wayco Wayne_2
    Wayco Wayne_2 Member Posts: 2,479

    I like the sound of that. However, the word I've been using a lot, esp when correcting someone elses mistakes is, Knucklehead. WW

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  • John R. Hall
    John R. Hall Member Posts: 2,245
    What about biz?

    I don't think any list would be complete without a business topic, i.e. how to squeeze more profits out of rising costs. (Hint: raise prices.)
  • Dave_4
    Dave_4 Member Posts: 1,405
    updated list

    In no particular order:

    1. Re-thinking Primary Secondary Pumping with Mod/Cons

    2. System 2000 Rep/Installer relations (wall as referee)

    3. Re-thinking outdoor reset with mod/cons

    4. Health: Ongoing awareness of CO issues, photos of dangerously bad installs found by wallies, Legionnaire's Disease in indirect HWH with less than 140 degree water.

    5. More efficient steam boilers.

    6. Real-time energy load calculations

    7. Addition of mass or buffer tank to mod-cons to curtail short-cycling.

    8. Sidework

    9. Increasing profit margins aka raising prices.

    10. Increased use of term 'knucklehead' to honor particularly inferior work.

    11.Civility--possibility abetted by 'Big Ugly' gatherings nationwide.

    12. Off-topic entertaining threads (e.g. the rats chronicles)

    13. Continued growth of the Wall's archives and features--including introduction of videos, confidence cards, dead men stickers. Growth of Wall to #1 home heating site.

  • Gene Davis_2
    Gene Davis_2 Member Posts: 71

    What's sidework?
  • Timco
    Timco Member Posts: 3,040

    It just came to me that nowhere in this list is anything about the importance of CO detectors, and the dangers associated with CO poisoning. Mark Hunt has gone out of his way to keep us all informed and reminded of the dangers. Hats off to his efforts throughout the past year(s) and a spot in the top 5 for sure!!!!

    Just a guy running some pipes.
  • John L
    John L Member Posts: 118
    What about


    John L
  • Ken_40
    Ken_40 Member Posts: 1,320

    The 250+ posting of problems with the Pro-Press Viega "systems" was the largest "hit" thread I can recall.

    An e-mail from "Harold" the homeowner who was the principal victim of this product failure expose suggests he has heard nothing yet from the manufacturer, despite a 30-day "we will get back to you" promise, which is now three months overdue - will re-open the issue in a few days. He tells me he will contact the manufacturer and request they do, what they promised to do, now that the "holidays" are over.

    Meantime, we have notified the president of all specifying engineers in our local ASHRAE of the issues and await resolution before advocating use of the product without reservation.

    Their deafening silence is a virtual admission of a problem. The nature of which requires a corporate response, not continued silence.
  • Steamhead (in transit)
    Steamhead (in transit) Member Posts: 6,688
    I'll \"third\" that

    since JCA posted a request to include that topic earlier.

    Also, increased use of lo-hi-lo firing on non-modulating boilers, especially steamers!

    Two more for you, David.

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  • D107
    D107 Member Posts: 1,860

    CO issues were included, but not as their own separate item, which now is corrected. I also had chosen not to get into listing names since many would inevitably be left out....Also, I assumed Mr. Corelli's suggestion was tongue in cheek.

    In no particular order:

    1. Re-thinking Primary Secondary Pumping with Mod/Cons

    2. System 2000 Rep/Installer relations (wall as referee)

    3. Re-thinking outdoor reset with mod/cons

    4. Health/Safety: photos of dangerously bad installs found by wallies, Legionnaire's Disease in indirect HWH with less than 140 degree water.

    5. More efficient steam boilers.

    6. Real-time energy load calculations

    7. Addition of mass or buffer tank to mod-cons to curtail short-cycling.

    8. Sidework (not quite sure what this means)

    9. Increasing profit margins aka raising prices.

    10. Increased use of term 'knucklehead' to honor particularly inferior work.

    11. Civility--possibility abetted by 'Big Ugly' gatherings nationwide.

    12. Off-topic entertaining threads (e.g. the rats chronicles)

    13. Continued growth of the Wall's archives and features--including introduction of videos, confidence cards, dead men stickers. Growth of Wall to #1 home heating site.

    14. Carbon Monoxide and Combustion Testing and Awareness; reporting of CO poisoning and deaths.

    15. Salesmanship.

    16. Air conditioning/Refrigeration Issues

    17. Controls

    18. Pro-Press Problems

    19. Increased use of lo-hi-lo firing on non-modulating boilers, especially steamers.

    20. Countless successful interventions with heating professionals and homeowners to solve heating problems.

    21. Efficiency Studies and Issues a la Mike T and John Ruhnke.

    22. Laughter

    23. Charity fundraising
  • Paul Fredricks_3
    Paul Fredricks_3 Member Posts: 1,557

    Wasn't that #4?
  • number 24.....

    Still waiting for that picture of that guy with bathrobe, barefoot, coffee in his hand and getting his morning papers, on his newly installed snowmelting system .... Anyone seen Scott yet?
  • J.C.A._3
    J.C.A._3 Member Posts: 2,980

    Hard to do, without any appreciable snow so far !

    We had a dusting on Saturday but it was gone by Sunday morning. Temps. in the 50° range forcast until the beginning of next week, so we may be waiting awhile to see that photo. Chris
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