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Munchkin Exhaust PVC problem - please help



  • Perry_3
    Perry_3 Member Posts: 498
    Be careful of people who assign blame...


    An unfortunately large percentage of of people tend to blame someone else for a problem. Many other countries also tend to like to blame the US for many reasons - and the local propaganda they teach their people is the it is the fault of .... (far to often the US) or other countries.

    There is nothing in the Kyoto treaty that forces any country not on the list to install any form of pollution control. Now if they agree in other agreements outside of that treaty - then they cannot complain too much as they agreed to it (and is polution control a bad thing?).
    The US position at Kyoto was that their should have been; and if you research things you will find that Al Gore did tell the Kyoto meeting that the US would be pushing for those controls before he signed it.

    I understand all to well the varying international lobbying and positions. Fact is that if most people - and most countries got out of the blame game - and trying to stick it to each other - and instead focused on how to properely do something we would be vastly far ahead.

    I do agree that the cost of energy affects the ability to develope an economy. That is not solely a 3rd world problem. However, the US really does not dictate the cost of energy - the sum total of the worldwide energy market does that (not to mention the various cartells who can influence the prices substaintially).

    So the next time you here that it is the US's (or the West's, etc.) fault. I ask you to consider if that is really true; or is it a form of excuse-itis, or is it selective illumination (i.e.; a common practice by most countries - but they only highlight that the US does it).

    I also think you should review your above list of other "issues" and "claims" and really dig into the facts of the situation. I would not be surprised if you decided to change your mind on some things if you did.

    I have no problem agreeing to disagree on things. What I want the other party to do is to at least researched the issue so that they understand what the other counterpoints are.

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